Branding : Kissthedesign by A3 Collectif

Kissthedesign is a art gallery in Lausanne, Switzerland very close to where we used to live. The gallery was rebranded by the Lausanne based design collective A3 Collectif.

“The logo consists of a polygonal shape with ten sides, that reminds a sophisticate diamond. On the business cards, the “diamond” has been highlighted with a silkscreen varnish to emphasise the exclusive facet of the gallery’s activities in high end design and fine art. A collector newspaper “Kiss My Newspaper” has been published to commemorate the opening of the new gallery space. The newspaper was limited to 100 exemplars and was created to introduce the concept and the artists of the gallery. The artists participated to this project with works specially made ​​for the newspaper.”

To see more of their work, head over to their website over here.


Anneke Short

Anneke Short is the co-founder and creative director of AMS Design Studio. Originally from the UK, trained in Switzerland and now living in London.

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