1. 5 to 10, a great series of prints about the threat of extinction by Peppermill.
Source : http://www.behance.net
2. If you haven’t seen this video yet then you really should, it’s called Le Miroir.
Source : https://vimeo.com
3. Great piece of wall art that has to be seen from the right angle.
Source : http://www.thisiscolossal.com/
4. Take a look at these if you have’t seem them yet, Planet Hiltron, celebrities represented as ‘normal’ people.
Source : https://www.facebook.com
5. Swarms Of Everyday Objects Project by Thomas Jackson.
Source : http://inspirationhut.net
6. Awesome street art.
Source : http://designyoutrust.com
7. Beautiful collage art by Derek Gores.
Source : http://www.derekgores.com
8. Mademoiselle Maurice and The Legend Of The 1000 Paper Cranes.
Source : http://www.designfetish.org
I watched no. 2 and I think it’s a pretty cool short story! No.6 is funny, while 7 and 8 are beautiful. Yeah, these are truly inspiring.